



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Correspondence

For some silly reason, I feel like we need to have children in order to send out Christmas cards. I mean, let's be honest. The kids are the only reason we read those things anyway. Contrary to popular opinion, we aren't even expecting...and yet, I have had a craving lately to write some kind of "Christmas update". So, here I am. Sitting on our couch in our icy apartment, wrapped up in blankets, trying to keep my fingers warm by typing.

Two thousand and twelve was definitely a quick year. Brian and I both got home from the mish last year (2011)! So much has happened since then. From trying to avoid an annoying missionary acquaintance, to turning toward a friend who understood how I was feeling being back from an 18-month dream, to agreeing to date him, then trying to break up with him, falling head over heels for everything that he is and will become; and being sealed to him for time and all eternity. All in a year. How full my heart is for everything we have been given. So many blessings.

After a long, tumultuous engagement and a beautiful wedding, summer was upon us before we knew it.

In June, one month after being married, Brian followed me back to Rexburg with one year left on my road to graduation. Our faith was tested, and we were blessed with little side/day jobs and a busy plasma center so we could pay tithing and rent. Every month, it just kept working out. Brian applied for numerous jobs, and in September, he was hired on as a parts runner for a heating and air company called First Call Jewel. Despite the 30 minute commute each way to Idaho Falls, it has been a life saver and Brian really enjoys it! He has learned so much already from the technicians and people he works with! It will all come in handy one day when we build our own house! Brian also worked after-hours for a cleaning company here in Rexburg, but they didn't appreciate his talents, and I wanted to spend some time with him at least. So now, he gets to spend his nights with me. ♥

I  somehow finished an 18-credit semester with all my limbs still intact. I was also blessed with a part time job as a teacher's assistant, so I have kept myself busy over the last 3 months. Christmas break is lonely being at home all day, but I've already read 2 1/2 books, so I'm not complaining too much. I am trying to enjoy having time before school and work start again. I will graduate in April with a major in history and a double-minor in sewing and creative writing. I have no idea what I will do...except keep reading, creating, and typing. Hopefully in exchange for money!

We are not sure yet what 2013 holds for us. Probably a whole lot of change! That's exciting...right?? We're talking about a little road trip back to our beloved Kentucky next summer, but that will depend on many factors, so we're not sure yet. Brian is still figuring out which of his many talents he would like to pursue school-wise. He's just so good at so many things, it's hard to decide! Again, many unknowns for 2013. That is, if the Mayans don't get the best of us in the next few days.

What's most important is that Brian and I grow more every day, and with the temple just up the road from us, we're blessed to be gaining a greater understanding of our potentials as individuals and as an eternal companionship. We know that our lives will be guided by our Heavenly Father as long as we put our trust in Him. We are so grateful for so many family members and friends that support us with their love and encouragement! We wish you all a very merry Christmas, and we hope 2013 brings you all the best!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nonsensical Threads

It has been brought to my recollection lately that it is those times when we have the least that we usually give the most. I suppose this lesson began for me in my early years, growing up on next to nothing where finances were concerned. Somehow, I was able to think that was how everyone lived...until about junior high, when reality kicked in and I started to strongly dislike my life. That's a completely different story, however :)

I have been thinking a lot about newlywed life and how we are supposed to struggle. It seems like everybody always says that. What does it really mean though? We struggle throughout all our lives, and yet, people say that the first year of marriage is the hardest. Why is that?

Service, service, service. We are here to serve our fellow men and lift up the hands that hang down! I love focusing on others, but at the same time, I tend to feel selfish because Heavenly Father blesses us in everything we do. We forget ourselves in His work.

Brian has recently been blessed with a part time job! He is still looking for something else, and I have yet to come across a willing employer, but I can't help but feel incredibly blessed. Of course life is hard. It always will be. Of course we are going to struggle. It just brings us closer together! Tithing is a miraculous thing, and so is the great plan of the Almighty. Right now, We're looking on the underside of his canvas, and none of the threads make much sense. Just you wait, though, until we get to the top. Everything is always flipped the right way up there. Hindsight is 20/20, and the present is always an opportunity to count our blessings, of which we have many.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Goodbye, Stewart Little

Its true, after a time of him living in the drip pan of our fridge the mouse formerly known as "Stewart Little" was removed!
The morning started like any other normal day off. Marné woke up first and told me to get up. I didn't want to, I was comfortable, it was my day off, I wanted to be lazy.

Then she said the words that will make any man get up out of bed and start the day. She said, "I'll make you breakfast for you if you get up....and get the mouse out of the fridge."

So like any good husband would do, I got all dressed up in my finest mouse removing attire to conquer the task of rodent removal.

Decked out in my jeans, my favorite sweatshirt and a towel wrapped around my face to keep the dust containing haunta virus from entering my lungs, I put on some plastic bags for gloves and set off to work.

I fired up the Scuncci steamer and shot Stewart twice to get his encrusted body to lift off the plastic pan. As I held him by the tail looking at his flat body I noticed that Marné was close I FLIPPED IT ON HER! No, I'm just kidding. I put Stewart in his bag and started to work on soaking up the juices of his blood, water, and Clorox that had coagulated on the bottom of the pan.

 After about an hour or so of working on the fridge, I was able to say that the fridge had been cleaned and, Marné being the best wife ever, finished wiping up the last of the mysterious liquid, put the fridge back together, and in place and then told me that she wasn't going to make breakfast anymore, thus I will have her make breakfast another day.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stewart Little

As one of our first adventures as newlyweds (I'm not quite sure when we move from the newlywed category), we would like to share with you the story of a smell.

Brian smelled it first. Then, after a couple days, we walked into our apartment after a day of being out in the fresh-smelling world filled with pollution, and I was stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I walked in the front door. It smelled like death. We originally thought it was coming fro the drain in the closet containing the water we poured what seemed like gallons of water down there after being told that this action would fix it in no time.

We were hopeful. We were faithful. And then, we couldn't handle it anymore. Brian came home from work a couple days ago,  and went straight to the refrigerator (there was a sneaking suspicion all along that something had crawled in the back and died. This is what he found...

Indeed. So, now we have a friend. The next day after I took him dinner, I resolved to get it out all by myself.  I pulled the refrigerator back out, unscrewed the back, and wrapped a plastic bag around my hand. I pressed play on my spotify account so Wicked would give me some comfort, and I reached in and grabbed the tail. It was stuck. Wouldn't budge. I couldn't bring myself to saturate it with enough lysol to release the glue, so on went the back, and back went the fridge. 

Until next time, little mouse. EEEEEEW!!