Its true, after a time of him living in the drip pan of our fridge the mouse formerly known as "Stewart Little" was removed!
The morning started like any other normal day off. Marné woke up first and told me to get up. I didn't want to, I was comfortable, it was my day off, I wanted to be lazy.
Then she said the words that will make any man get up out of bed and start the day. She said, "I'll make you breakfast for you if you get up....and get the mouse out of the fridge."
So like any good husband would do, I got all dressed up in my finest mouse removing attire to conquer the task of rodent removal.
I fired up the Scuncci steamer and shot Stewart twice to get his encrusted body to lift off the plastic pan. As I held him by the tail looking at his flat body I noticed that Marné was close I FLIPPED IT ON HER! No, I'm just kidding. I put Stewart in his bag and started to work on soaking up the juices of his blood, water, and Clorox that had coagulated on the bottom of the pan.
After about an hour or so of working on the fridge, I was able to say that the fridge had been cleaned and, Marné being the best wife ever, finished wiping up the last of the mysterious liquid, put the fridge back together, and in place and then told me that she wasn't going to make breakfast anymore, thus I will have her make breakfast another day.